Suburbion's stats

This tiny man-made suburb is home to a bellicose race whose home planet was destroyed by constant war.
This small bio dome houses the race that formally lived on Lacturth. The Lacturthians were war people, ever since the beginnig of the planet(and that's a really long time ago because Lacturth was one of the five orginal planets) they were at civil war. The other four planets tried to stop them, but they dicided that they best just leave them alone. One fatefull day the leaders of both sides decided to launch two neuclear warheads at the exact same time. When they were both alerted they relized their errors and evacuated every one on Lacturth. They combined their technology and Wiral's (suprise!) to make what is now called Suburbion. The natives thrive off both industry and agriculture. The antomy of the Lacturthians (now called Surbionians) is very intresting.The heads are solid but the bodies are a simi-liquid. Although, their bodies are not as versitile as the people of globin.
Iron, Soil, Herb(half), Dark
Rare cultures: shared with Globin and Lastar
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